Monday, January 14, 2013

Perry, Legos, Basketball & Miss America

That pretty much sums up our weekend.  It was fabulous as always!  Really I don't know if a weekend can be bad.  No work or school = awesome!!  

It started out great on Friday night with a night out with our life group.  It was childcare night at the church so everyone dropped off their kids and came over to our house.  We just sat around talking.  It is always fun to have adult conversation.  

After the get together I went over to Kelly and Andrew's house and spent the night with this little guy!  He is just precious.  I slept with him in the living room so his parents could get some good sleep.  Andrew started back to work.  We had a great night.  Perry slept great and I had fun!  
 Saturday morning we went to the Alabama state Lego robotics competition.  Ben wanted to check it out.  It was pretty interesting.
 Then it was time for basketball.  It was the 3rd game of the week.  They had a limited number of players so they got no breaks but they did great.  It was a really close game.  Ben had fun as always!
 Matt started not feeling to great Saturday night so he went to bed early.  The kids and I watched Cinderella and they went to bed and I watched the Miss America pageant.  It is always interesting to watch.  Excited that an Auburn native won.
 Sunday Matt was still not feeling well so he went to the doctor.  He has an ear infection and bronchitis.  Ugh!!  The kids and I went to church then came home and had a relaxing afternoon.  The boys played Ben's new Lego game!   
Except for Matt not feeling great it was a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. And you've got to be excited that your favorite aunt on your dad's side of the family taught and worked with Miss America in her early pageant years!
