Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Various And Sundry Things

So I have several pictures from my phone from the last couple of weeks that I wanted to share.  None of them were exciting enough for their own post but maybe all together they will be slightly exciting (ok no not really but I will try).  

We were all ready for the big national championship football game last Monday.  We all wore our Irish green and I got these special Notre Dame brownie bites.  The game was not good for us sudden Notre Dame fans but that's ok!
 I bought myself some new dish towels last week.  I know that is probably not very exciting but it is to me.  You see I still had the same dish towels we were given as wedding presents almost 10 years ago.  They were disgusting and so embarrassing.  I am so excited to have some new cute/clean ones.  Although if you happen to be reading this blog and gave us dish towels as a wedding gift know they were well used and loved.   
 I was at Ben's school last week working in the library and there in the front foyer of the school were displayed some artwork from the kindergarten classes.  I loved Ben's emu.  Isn't it awesome!
 And here is my cutie coming through the library with his class.
 Kate is still not wanting to take a nap most days.  I make her go in her room for rest time so I can have some quiet time to myself.  Well during that time she manages to totally destroy her room.  It was perfectly clean and 45 minutes later it looks like this.  AHHHH!!!  I then spend 20 minutes cleaning it each night.  Not sure if that is worth the few minutes of silence.
 Speaking of that crazy girl.  This is what she did yesterday in car line.  She did fall asleep with the blanket on her head.
 And finally a rant...  They are doing road work on one of the two ways over the mountain.  That means everyone is trying to go the other way.  Traffic has been horrific in the mornings!!!  I mean terrible!  Today I left super early and it still took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to drop Kate off and get to work.  That normally takes me about 25 minutes.  It is insane.  I sat at this light just like this for about 8 cycles.  I thought I was going to go crazy.  And in other news it has been raining non stop for about 5 days.  I mean monsoon type rains.  If I had built an ark maybe I would have gotten to work faster today.
Well that catches you up on the total randomness of the Eckleys!

1 comment:

  1. Notre Dame????? At least they found out how to make a female Auburn fan look decent, put her in a BAMA jersey and let her date the quarterback!
