Friday, March 1, 2013

2 Hand Club

Today our sweet little guy joins the 2 hand club as he turns 6.  Wow!!  That just sounds old.  I can't believe it.  I remember back to that really stormy day 6 years ago and remember it all like it was yesterday.  What a great day it was!!  
 Sweet Ben,

You are such a sweet little guy.  Your kindness and compassion amaze me every day.  You have such a heart for others.
 This year has been a year of change for you with starting Kindergarten.  You have done a wonderful job managing all of the change.  You LOVE school.  You are always excited to go in the mornings.  Math is one of your favorite subjects and you are really good at it.  You are getting really good at reading.  I am so impressed by all you are learning.
 You weigh around 47 pounds and are 48 or so inches tall.  You continue to grow everyday!  You have lost 2 teeth and have gotten all of your 6 year molars.  Over the last year you have started eating more food and trying new things.  We are so proud of you for that.
 Your absolute favorite things to do are to play Legos and listen to Odyssey.  You could do it all the time!  You also love to do imaginative play (your imagination amazes us).  Nerf gun wars are also a fun thing you like to do.  Evan is your best friend in the neighborhood and Eli and Cody are your best friends at school.
 What an amazing little boy you are growing up to be!!  We see Jesus growing you and changing your heart.  We look forward to seeing you grow in Him and accept Him very soon.  We are so proud of you and can't wait to see what God has planned for you.  Year 7 is going to be amazing for you I know!  Happy Birthday little man!!  We love you so much!!!

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