Sunday, March 3, 2013

Best Day Ever

We have had an amazing weekend celebrating our new 6 year old.  We had the best time!!  

It started on Friday with what Ben labeled as "Best Day Ever."  He was the leader at school along with having free time and it was his birthday!  He could not wait.  Friday morning Kate woke up first and Matt heard her run straight to Ben's room yelling "wake up Ben.  It's your birthday!!"  So sweet.  First thing  Kate wanted Ben to do was open his presents from her.  So that was the very first thing they did.  Ben loved the Super Hero Legos that Kate got him.  
 Ben requested green eggs and ham in honor of Dr. Seuss's  birthday along with his!  Of course he ate on the traditional breakfast plate and drinking out of the breakfast mug.
Then it was off to school for Ben.  It was sort of sad sending him off for the day to school.  Matt took off like usual and we were saying we don't know how much longer he will when they are in school all day.  We did get to go see him at lunchtime!  What fun it is to eat with him and his classmates.  They were all dressed up for Dr. Seuss day.  
We then went back to his classroom to have a little party.  We were able to buy ice cream pops for everyone!  

 It was then home to get ready for our big dinner.  Ben had requested steaks for dinner so poor Matt had to go outside in the snow (yes it snowed off and on all day) to grill the steaks.  They were super yummy so they were worth the it!
 We had the whole family over for a great dinner of steaks, potatoes and salad.  It is always so much fun to have the whole family together.

 It was Perry's first family birthday party!
 Ben was so excited to open his presents.  He got so many wonderful things!  Thanks to all of our family for the great gifts.

 He got Legos, Odyssey CDs, Imaginext things, a new Bible, Angry Bird games and so much more!
 All the boys had a great time playing Angry Birds Star Wars games.
 Then it was cake time!  For several years Ben had been asking for this beach cake that he had seen in a book.  I finally decided to tackle it and it turned out great!!  So cute!

 Ben and Kate had a blast playing with all the new toys!
 Then it was time for the traditional pictures with the birthday boy.

 I love this silly family picture!  We were all showing how we can roll our tongues except for Matt.

 And the most fun of the evening with the bubble wrap.
 Sweet Perry had a great time trying out the Bumbo and playing with Ben's new toys.
It was such a fun evening with our family.  Ben had a great birthday and we were ready for even more fun on Saturday.

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