Monday, March 4, 2013

Swim Party in the Snow

After all the fun on Friday we were excited for another awesome day on Saturday!  Ben really wanted a big party this year with all of his friends from school, church and the neighborhood.  I knew that wasn't going to happen at our house so we researched different ideas around town.  He loved the idea of a swimming party at the YMCA.  It sounded fun to us as well so we went with it.  Saturday rolled around and it was super cold and it snowed all day long.  It was just light flurries but it really did snow all day.  It was crazy getting ready to go swim with snow flurries!
I kept things really simple for the party.  Here was the invite.  
 We did a pretty basic food set up with fruit, chips, goldfish, cupcakes, water and juice.

 We had 20 kids at the party.  CRAZY!!!!  But so much fun.  All of Ben's friends were able to make it and it was great!  They swam for the first hour of the party.  They had so much fun playing.  The YMCA is great because they have 3 pools.  One is perfect for playing and swimming because it is fairly shallow.  They also have a great kids splash area.

 The boys had a blast just wrestling in the water!  Glad that was not in my living room!
 Kate had a great time playing with Kaylee.  Kate has no fear and swam all over that pool!

 After an hour of swimming they got out and got dried off and ready to party!!

 What fun it was!!!  A couple of the girls from Ben's class even came so I guess it was his first boy/girl party.
 Then it was gift time!!  He got so many great things.  Lots of Legos!!  I think all of his friends know how Lego obsessed he is!

We finished up with a fun game of noodle tag.  They were having a blast!!  We gave out water blasters for favors and sent everyone on their way.  Perry and Kate were wiped out from all the fun!
After the party, Ben wanted to go get some Japanese food so off to Ichiban we went with Evan along with Andrew, Kelly and Perry.  It was great!  Ben loved his fried cheesecake.  

What a great party and day it was!!  We had such a fun time celebrating with all of Ben's friends.  It was a great way to celebrate our 6 year old!!

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