Monday, March 11, 2013

Gotta Brag

Ok I must have been a little vague in my post from yesterday about the "something big."  I got several messages and texts today asking if we were having another baby.  No we are not!!!  I had no idea that statement would cause so much speculation.  That is not the big news.  The news is going to seem very tame compared to that kind of news.  

The big news is a chance for me to brag on my hubby for a little bit.  He will hate that I am doing this but I have to do it!!  He was awarded employee of the month for Huntsville Hospital.  This is a huge honor!!  There are over 8,000 employees at the hospital so to be one of the employees of the month is huge!  I am so very proud of him.  He deserves.  He is one of the first pharmacists there in the mornings and usually works 10-11 hour days making sure he gives the best care possible.  He cares so much about his patients and the others that he works with.  It is evident in everything that he does!  And he is so smart on top of all of that!!  

He was surprised on Friday with an award ceremony.  He was nominated by the oncology department.  The award came with a cash bonus and lots of gift cares (hence the dinner out at Bonefish).  He also got lots of Huntsville Hospital swag.  Today he had a professional picture made that will be on display in the hospital for the next year.  If you happen to be in the hospital you can go by and see it.  His favorite part is that he gets a closer parking spot for the month!  We are so very proud of him!!  He deserves it!!


  1. Haha! I've checked your page like 10 times today wondering what the big news was! Congrats to Matt! That is really awesome!

  2. I was also waiting in suspense yesterday for the news! I, too, thought it was another baby on the way!! :)

  3. Though it didnt sound like a baby announcement was coming, to me, I sure was curious what the big news was! Way to go, Matt! I feel that is an award well deserved. Parking near the door isn't a bad perk, either! The most generous thing y'all did was share your earnings in extra giving to our life and ministry in Colorado. We pray you will be blessed for being a blessing to us and so many others!! Thank you and Congrats!!

  4. We went by Huntsville Hospital Saturday and saw the announcement about Matt! Wow! We were so excited for him. Please tell him a big Congratulations!!

    Ladye & David
