Sunday, March 10, 2013

Springing Forward

Sorry I have been MIA for the last few days.  We have been busy just doing life which has been great but not all that exciting.  Our weekend was sort of exciting though.  It got started Friday afternoon when Kate and I went over to visit at the Wright's new rental house.  I cannot believe that they are back in Huntsville!!!  We were so excited to spend time with them.  The girls had a blast!
Friday after school Matt's parents came over and picked up the kids.  They spent the night with them.  Which meant Matt and I had a whole evening to ourselves!!!!  We went to Bonefish to celebrate something big (will share tomorrow).  It was really yummy and we had a great time.  
 After dinner we were able to meet up with some friends to go see a the Broadway Theater League's production of Spamalot.  I wasn't sure what to expect but it was really funny.  I really enjoyed it.  We always enjoy getting to see Broadway type shows! 
 The kiddos had a great time at Mema and Opa's house.  I know they played alot and did all sorts of fun things.  Saturday night the Johnsons came over for dinner.  Always fun when there is a house full of kids.  The kids all snuggled up on the couch to watch Wreck It Ralph while the adults played Settlers of Catan.  It was a great evening!  We always love seeing the Johnsons.

Today has been a normal Sunday with church this morning and then chores this afternoon.  We did lose an hour of sleep since we "sprung forward."  I don't mind since it means longer sunlight and that it is almost summer!!!  Tomorrow starts back to school and work.  Good thing is only 2 weeks until spring break!!!!

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