Monday, April 1, 2013

Caribbean Cruise 2013 - Day 2

Our first full day on board was a day at sea.  We love days at sea because it gives us time to relax and enjoy the boat a little bit.  It was a low key not rushed day.  All week we were able to sleep late and really relax.  We started off with a yummy breakfast in the main dinning room.  Ben was so excited to finally get his bacon.  And get bacon he did - each and every morning!

 It was then off to enjoy some ship activities.  First up was some Wii.   
 And Kate played us a nice song on the piano.
 We played our first round of trivia.  We didn't win all week.  Sad!
Then it was pool time!!!  The kids were so excited.  The ship had an awesome kids pool area with lots of slides and great places for them to play.

 They played for several hours.  We enjoyed a nice lunch out by the pool.  Matt and I were able to just relax and read while watching the kids play.  It was perfect!
 We then went to a family cupcake decorating contest.  The kids had a blast decorating their own cupcakes that were judged.

 Kate's was a massive mess of stuff.
 Ben's had an amazing back story with 3 bears and houses and such.  He won most creative!

 By then it had been at least 4 hours since a meal so it was time to eat again!

We had the best table on the boat for dinner!  In the very back of the ship right in the middle.  It was a very windy day and the seas were crazy wild so the ship was rocking all over.  Even the crew was saying how rocky it was.  But it wasn't too bad.  
The kids were so excited to get to go to "kids club" for the evening.  They fell in love with it!!!  They played games, did crafts and all sorts of other fun things.  They begged to go back every night.  Each night had a different theme and it was awesome!!
 Matt and I had no idea what to do with all our free time in the evenings.  We went to most of the shows which were really amazing.  We even had some time in the casino.  After we lost $10 we called it quits.
 It was a great day on board the ship but we were ready to get off and explore Costa Maya Mexico!!!

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