Monday, April 1, 2013

Caribbean Cruise 2013 - Days 0 & 1

Well I have gotten all the pictures downloaded and starting to organize them all.  I didn't even pull out the big camera on the trip.  I stuck with the phone and the sport camera.  So the pictures aren't the best quality but I enjoyed just getting to experience things and not drag around the big camera (funny thing we actually left the big camera somewhere the first day on the cruise and didn't realize it was missing until day 5 - thankfully someone had turned it in to lost and found).  So here we go...

We left early on Saturday morning to head down to New Orleans.  It was FREEZING in Huntsville when we left but you can't be headed to the Caribbean wearing winter clothes so we all braved it and wore our sandals.  We were thankful to be heading to warmer weather.  
 The kids were awesome on the 7 hour car ride.  We listened to Odyssey the whole way!

 There was a Chick-fil-a stop for lunch.
 We ate dinner at the Cheesecake Bistro which is one of our favorite paces to eat in New Orleans.
 Then we went back to the hotel and went to bed early so we would be ready for a great day the next day!
 We had big plans to sight see a little and go to Cafe Du Monde but Kate wasn't feeling great so we just hung around the hotel until it was time to get on board our ship.  It was the easiest check in ever for the cruise and we were quickly on board the Norwegian Star!
 Of course the first thing you have to do is hit the lunch buffet!!  The kids loved that they had a kid sized buffet and seating just for them.
 We were then off to explore the ship.

 And find our first of many ice cream cones.
 We played a little shuffle board.  I beat Matt big time!
 The cruise out of New Orleans means a nice ride down the Mississippi river which was neat.
 The boys played a giant game of checkers.
 We enjoyed the send off party around the pool.  We all did a little bit of dancing!
 Then it was off to our first dinner.  Ben was just a little excited about his brownie!
 Kate was not as thrilled about her jello.
 Family dinner picture.  A must!
 And that famous couple shot with the iphone.
 Some less than thrilled kids.
The first towel animal.  Not real sure what it was but that's ok.  We were off to bed ready for our first full day on the boat!

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