Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter 2013

So when we signed up for our spring break cruise we had no idea we would be gone over Easter.  Easter is one of my favorite holidays so I hated to miss it but what could we do.  We decided to do an abbreviated Easter this week.  We did some devotions during the week and did some of our fun Easter celebrations today.  We had a really busy weekend (it is hard to find time when no one else is celebrating Easter) so we didn't get to do everything but we hit the highlights.  This morning we all got dressed in our Easter finery!  Love this picture of the kids!
 A great family picture!
 And a good picture of the 2 of us.
 This afternoon we dyed some eggs.  The kids loved it.  There is something magical about dying eggs.

 They turned out cute.  We did glitter eggs this year.
 Of course we had to do a tomb cake.  It's tradition!

It is so special to get to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior even if it was a little late.  Without the resurrection we would have no hope!!

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