Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend of Shows

We had another amazing weekend!!  It was crazy busy but wonderful.  We got to do some amazing things.  It started with a trip to the Wizard of Oz at Huntsville High on Friday night.  Ever since we went to the character breakfast the kids have been talking about the Wizard of Oz and how much they wanted to see it.  So we made a special night of it Friday night.  We went to dinner at Chilis then went over to the show.  The kids were so excited!!

 The show was absolutely amazing!!  Really it blew me away.  The high school students put on a show far beyond their years.  They even had real flying monkeys and witches.  It was awesome!!  Both kids sat mesmerized for the whole 3 hours.  They loved it.  

 Saturday we did some things around the house and then Ben had a ball game.  He had another great game.  He played pitcher and 2nd base.  He got 4 outs which he was so excited about.

Saturday night Matt and I had a special treat.  The kids went over to spend the night at my parent's house and we got to go on a double date.  We love getting to hang out with our neighbors Kevin and Paige.  We went over to Guntersville to have dinner at Top of the River and then see Andrew Peterson in concert.  He is one of our favorite singers.
 It was another great night show.  Andrew and his band were amazing.  We loved the show.  It was just such a worshipful experience.  I am so glad we were able to go.  We had a great time hanging out with special friends and getting to see a great concert.
 The fun of the weekend wasn't over.  We got to go see sweet Baby Grace dedicated on Sunday morning.  We are so thankful Brad and LeeAnn invited us to come.  It was such a special time!
 We had lunch at LeeAnn's mom's house and it was great.  The kids had so much fun playing together!
We were all exhausted when the weekend was over but it was awesome!!  So many fun experiences.

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