Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kindergarten Program

Tonight we got to go to Ben's Kindergarten end of the year program.  Ben has been talking about it for weeks.  He was so excited for it!  I can't believe that it is so close to the end of the year.  I will admit I teared up a little bit tonight thinking about how he is almost done with kindergarten.    
 The program was awesome!!  It was all about saving the earth through reduce, reuse & recycle.  It was super cute.  They all did such a great job.  So proud of my little guy!

 They had an awesome banner up that had hand prints of all the kindergartners.  My mom did a lot of work on it and I actually helped out some last week when I was working in the library.

 What a great group of kindergartners.  Ben has had such a great year and made so many wonderful friends.   

 Love this little guy and so proud of him!!

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