Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

Winter seemed to hang around extra long this year.  I mean we had snow in late March.  We thought it would never end.  But thankfully in the last 2 weeks it seems that spring has finally come.  Our yard is looking beautiful!!  Matt has done a lot of work over the winter getting the yard ready.  He pruned a bunch and planted some awesome bulbs.  All his hard work paid off with a great looking yard.  
 The daffodils are so pretty!!  Our wisteria has not bloomed yet but hopefully in the next few weeks.
 Love all the tulips!
 Since the weather has been so nice we have spent a lot of time outside.  Kate was so excited to get a new princess bike and not have to use brother's boy bike.
 We have also been eating dinner outside most nights.  My parent's got a new outdoor table so they gave us their old one.  We are loving having a table we can eat on outside!  Kate asks to eat outside each night.
 Along with the good weather comes storms.  Last week we had some really bad storms and tornadoes not too far from us.  Thankfully no major damage.
We are all so glad that spring is finally here.  Although the last few days it has felt more like summer with temps in the mid to upper 80's.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful yard! All those things you named are things I am longing, riding bikes outside, grilling and patio eating! We are under 1-2 inches of snow that fell this morning, and a blizzard warning for tonight. We will have a true spring at some point. For now, enjoying the pure white snow!!
