Sunday, April 28, 2013

Long Time No Post

I know it has been a long time since I posted.  Lots going on along with not much going on at the same time.  I went and worked all day in Birmingham last Thursday.  I ate lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital.  Exactly 8 hours later I got sick with food poisoning.  Ugh!!!  So I spent all day Friday in bed recovering.  Really didn't feel like doing anything all day.  But I had signed up for a race on Saturday morning to run.  We had not trained well for the race at all.  Like had only been running 1.5 miles a couple of times a week.  I thought there was going to be no way I could actually run the whole race.  I was out of shape and had not eaten anything in 36 hours.  But I was amazed!!  We ran the whole race!!  CRAZY!!  It showed me how getting into shape a few months paid off because we were able to run all 3.1 miles.  Now I thought I was going to die at the end but we ran it.  My official time was 36:17.  Not the best but not the worst.  And by far a huge personal accomplishment.  Our friend Amy joined us for this race.  It was fun to have another running buddy.
 After I came home and crashed after the race we decided to head over to the Space and Rocket Center for the moonbuggy races.  Kelly is involved in them every year and the boys went last year and loved it.  The day was sort of yucky but we had a great time!!  It was so fun to see all the moonbuggies.
 The kids enjoyed fixing up our obstacle after each buggy would go through.  It was lots of fun!

 The kids loved getting to go on some of the rides at the Space and Rocket Center.  It is one of those places we are lucky to have so close but yet we never go.  We really should take them back soon.
Today has been church and trying to get back into the groove of things.  Hopefully I will be back more this week.

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