Monday, April 29, 2013

All Dressed Up

I am very late in getting these pictures posted.  Sorry!  That's life lately!  Last Wednesday night the kids participated in the Acteen coronation ceremony at church.  It is a big deal for the middle and high school girls.  They get all dressed up and get awards for their mission work.  Ben and Kate were asked to be the pillow attendant and flower girl.  They had to get all dressed up as well! 
 Doesn't Ben looks so handsome in his sports coat!  They were the attendants for my friend Deree's daughters Sarah and Hannah.  They are such beautiful girls.

 We were so worried about how Kate would do.  Following directions and doing what is asked of her is not necessarily her strong suit.  But she did awesome!!  We were so proud.  She walked down the aisle and didn't do anything crazy.  I was so relieved.  

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