Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring School Pictures

 I guess you can call me cheap when it comes to school pictures.  I always want to buy them but I can never fork out the money!  Both kids recently had their spring pictures made.  They both turned out great but I just couldn't buy them.  I did scan the proofs in so I would have a record.  Here they are.

Kate's turned out awesome.  We can never get to her to smile for pictures and this is the best picture of her.  But why do school picture backgrounds have to be so bad?
 And once again why are the backgrounds so bad?  Ben looks great and so grown up but those backgrounds are bad!!


  1. Those are great pics of both of them, but I've never understood the cheesy backdrops myself. Good memory from proof, no money spent! Sounds like a win-win!

  2. I don't pay money either but then we homeschool so it's a non-issue for us lol! I usually take their photos together and separate each year we start on the first day so we have something though. I don't pay a dime for something that isn't necessary. Guess you could say I'm a cheapskate too! Wear it with pride! :)
