Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today is sweet Kate's 1/2 birthday!!  She is officially closer to 4 than 3.  CRAZY!!!!  My baby is growing up so fast.  It has been amazing to see how much she has changed over the last few months.  She has gone from a toddler to a preschooler.  She acts so grown up.  We see her little personality come out more and more everyday.  She is so very imaginative.  Not a day goes by when she is not a different character or has a new name. We are kept on our toes waiting to hear what will come out of her little mouth.  She says the funniest things.  I know I am her mom but I have to say she is really smart.  Really she blows us away with how quickly she picks up on things.  I know it has a lot to do with having an older brother who teaches her things.  She loves school and all her friends there.  She loves to play outside and probably asks 10 times a day to go outside.  She still loves to play dress up and anything princess.  Stuffed animals are also another favorite.  She would watch TV all day long if we would let her.  She is totally obsessed with Disney Junior.  We don't get to see her little smile all that much.  She is very reserved with smiling (has been that way since she was a baby) but when she does smile you know it special!  We have had some major breakthroughs in behavior over the past few months.  She still has some trouble with whining but it is getting a lot better (hoping that we are finally past the terrible 2's)!  She brings us so much joy and laughter.  It really is a joy each day to see her change and grow!

It was a beautiful day last evening so we went down to the duck pond for a little photo shoot.  I got some great shots of her that really show her personality.  I tell her all the time that I am jealous of her hair.  It is beautiful just like her!

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