Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Day Of Lasts

Today was a day full of lasts.  It was mine and Kate's last day at BSF for the year.  I am so sad to see it come to an end.  Once again it has been an amazing year studying God's Word.  I have been blown away by all that God has taught me and revealed to me.  We studied the book of Genesis and looked at everything from creation through the Patriarchs.  The stories that God weaved together in the book are beautiful.  Stories of His perfect love and redemption along with His perfect sovereignty .  I have seen myself over and over again in the pages of Genesis.  I have learned what it means to truly let go and allow God to write my story and not me.  I am a different person than I was just 9 months ago.  All because of God's Word!  So awesome!  My small group this year was just amazing.  I have made life long friendships with ladies as we studied God's Word.  I am going to miss seeing them each week.  Kate loves Bible Study so much.  Each week she looks forward to Wednesdays so much.  She is going to miss it as well.  We can't wait until September when we can dive into Matthew!
 Today was also our last day with this little guy...
 The past 3 months that we have kept him have flown by!!  The kids got excited every Monday and Wednesday because that meant it was a "Perry Day."  They loved having him around.  He is such a sweet little guy.  He just fit right in with us and our craziness.  We are going to miss his sweet little grins and laughs.  We will still see him all the time so it won't be too bad!!
All these lasts mean that summer is coming!!!!!!!

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