Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I am finally getting caught up from the busy weekend.  Mother's Day is one of my favorite days of the year.  It is totally for selfish reasons and because my family spoils me!!  I don't deserve it but they do.  I started off the day with breakfast in bed.  Matt made my absolute favorite food in the whole world - strawberry pretzel salad!!  He did such a great job.  It was so yummy!!!!  It was a total surprise.  I had no idea.  
 There is nothing better than breakfast in bed with hugs from sweet kids!!  Such a great way to start the day.
 The kids gave me an Auburn shirt (Ben's idea), a running skirt and running shorts.  Great stuff!!
 I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to be the mom to these kiddos.  I am not perfect by any means.  I mess up all the time but I more than anything through motherhood I have been able to experience God's love and grace.  I have seen even more clearly how much He loves me!  They teach me new and wonderful things each and everyday.  My desire is to never take the experience for granted.

 Sunday was Perry's baby dedication day so we went to Kelly and Andrew's church.  There were a bunch of babies being dedicated!  Perry did so good.  It was really neat to be apart of the service and get to promise to help bring him up in the knowledge of the Lord.  It was a great way to spend Mother's Day.
 We then went over the Kelly and Andrew's house for lunch.  It was awesome!!  Kelly did a great job as always.  Just look at this cake.
 We had to get a picture with the sweet boy!!
We came home and I got to take a long nap while Matt did the laundry.  He also fixed me a dinner with some of my favorite foods.  It was awesome!!!!  See I told you he spoils me.  It was the perfect day.

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