Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Very Special Tea Party

Last Friday the kids and I decided to have a very special tea party.  They were so excited to help out.  They helped to plan the menu and make the place cards.  Ben got himself dressed in his "church clothes" without being asked. 
 We got the table set including beautiful flowers they picked from the yard.  They were so excited!  They waited by the door for the special guests to arrive...
 Granna and Grandaddy came for tea!!  The kids were on their best behavior and used the best manners (Kate was so cute with her best manners face).  Everything about the tea was just lovely!!  My dad was really not feeling well at all but he suffered through for us.  I know it was tough for him and we really appreciate him doing that.  The kids had the best time!!  It was such a special time and memory for them. 

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