Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Fun Continues

We have been busy over the last week having lots of summer fun!  Even with all that is going on with my dad, we are trying really hard to keep things as normal as possible for the kids.  That means lots of fun activities and playdates.  We have been having a blast!!  

We have enjoyed Popsicles on hot days with sweet friends!! 
 We have been to our new Chic-fil-a several times.  We are just so excited to have one closer than 25 minutes away.  4 minutes is so much better.  And it has an indoor playground which is awesome on hot days!
 We have enjoyed movies with our stuffed friends.
 We went to the Botanical Gardens and enjoyed the water!

 It was Wacky Wednesday at the gardens.  The kids had so much fun listening to stories and doing a craft.

 We had fun playing with Perry one afternoon!  He is such a fun little guy.
And that is just 1/2 of last week!  Much more fun to share!

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