Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Boston - Part 1

Ok this is your warning - get ready for LOTS of pictures over the next few days.  We had a really great trip to Boston last week and I can't wait to share all the pictures and fun.  We had been debating back and forth since about our 9th anniversary what we were going to do for our 10th anniversary.  Travel of course was at the top of our list (I really do think travel is my love language).  We had some differences of opinions on what to do.  Boston came up and it seemed like a great choice.  It really was perfect.  Lots of history but also very romantic.  

We left out late in the afternoon on Tuesday afternoon.  We flew through Charlotte airport and had to take a picture with this awesome jersey.  
 We got in very late (like 1 am) so all we did was get to our hotel and crash.  We woke up late on Wednesday morning.   (Nothing better than sleeping in!!)  We got our first glimpse of Boston from our hotel window.  It was just beautiful.
 Our big plan for Wednesday was to walk the Freedom Trail.  So we found the red line and started walking.
 The weather was absolutely perfect!!!!!  It was 68 degrees and sunny!!  There was a nice breeze.  It was awesome!!  We loved walking through the Boston Common.
 And seeing the Massachusetts state house!
 First stop was the Grannary Cemetery where we saw John Hancock's grave.  
 And Paul Revere's grave.
 Then it was back to the line (I sang "I walk the line" all day).  I had to ride the donkey statue.
 We saw so many beautiful churches.  It was really neat to look at their history.  So many interesting stories of differences between Puritans and Anglicans.  Denominational issues have been going on for a LONG time!
 The Old State House
 Paul Revere's house.  It was on a beautiful street in the East End.
 Balcony where the Declaration of Independence was read for the first time in Boston.
 Site of the Boston Massacre.
 We stopped for a bite to eat at a local pizza place in the East End.  We couldn't decide where to eat.  I saw some locals driving up so we decided to follow them and eat where they ate.  This is where they went.  It was awesome!!!
 Then it was back to the trail...  We saw the Paul Revere statue.
 And the Old North Church.
 Oneth by land and Twoeth by sea!!
 Then we headed across the bridge to finish off the Freedom Trail.
 We were excited to get to see the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides).

 The last stop on the trail was the Bunker Hill monument.
 And since walking over 3 miles wasn't enough we decided to climb all 294 steps to the top of the monument.  Lets just say we had sore legs for the rest of the trip.
 The view from the top was beautiful (but I'm not sure it was worth the climb).

 I don't know what I was doing here.  I'm sure it was funny.
 We then took the T over to check out the Boston Tea Party Museum.
Before we left on the trip we bought a Groupon from Finale bakery.  We got 6 desserts for 1/2 price.  It was awesome.  We took them back to our hotel and had 1 or 2 each night.
 We took a short rest back at our hotel before heading out for the evening.  One of my favorite thing about "big cities" is the amazing food.  We mainly just have chain restaurants here in town so it is always great to be able to hit local places with great chefs.  We ate so good the whole trip!  This was at Tremont 647.  It was AMAZING!!
 Then it was off to the main event for the trip.  Matt has dreamed about going to see John Williams direct the Boston Pops ever since I have known him.  When we started talking about going to Boston that was the only thing on his list of "must dos."  We looked at the schedule and saw that John Williams was conducting the day before we were supposed to get there.  We were going to be there during a salute to country music.  We decided to change up the dates of our trip just to see the Pops!!
 The inside of the concert hall is amazing!!  You get to sit at these little tables which is lots of fun.
 We were so excited for the program.  It was a "salute" to John Williams movie music.
 The program was absolutely amazing!!!  There are not words to describe. They ended the show with Stars and Stripes Forever.  Chill bumps!!   Matt was in awe (and so was I).  So glad we were able to mark this one off the bucket list.
So that is day 1 - ha!!  This is going to take a while!

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