Thursday, June 20, 2013

Boston - Part 2

Thursday morning we woke up and hit the ground ready for another great day in the Boston area.  Thursday ended up being a really bad day weather wise.  It was really nasty all day.  All the locals kept telling us the weather had been so bad lately.  It was actually cold (ok cold is my word not Matt's).  We just went with the bad weather and didn't let it slow us down.  

We took the T over to Harvard and took the Hahvahad tour.  It is a tour led by a current student.  They tell you the stuff they won't tell you on a regular tour.  It was really interesting.  Got to hear alot about the history of Harvard and also some of the funny stories.  
 The famous Harvard Yard.  And no you cannot park your car there.
 The buildings on the campus were just amazing.  First off they were just so old.  Then there were such great traditions and stories to go with them.  This is a freshman dining hall.  It looks like something out of Harry Potter (our tour guide kept making Harry Potter references).  No one except freshman are even allowed inside the building.
 Here I am with the famous John Harvard statue which we learned is a total fake.
 And Matt in front of the library.  The stories about the library are just amazing!
 It really started raining after our tour so we didn't get to walk around Cambridge as much as we wanted.  We did find a great little pub to eat lunch at.  It is very popular with the Harvard students.
 We also found a cookie shop!!!
 We made a quick stop by our hotel to get proper rain gear and then headed out for a tour of Fenway Park!
 I wasn't so sure what I was going to think of this tour but it was really great.  Learned a lot of history about the ball park and also some great stories.  It really is an impressive park.  Not because of it's size (it is really quite small when you are inside) but because of it's age and history.
 We got to go inside the visiting team's locker room.
 We got to sit in some of the old seats.
 These seats are the original ones from 1914.  That is crazy old!!
 Then we got to climb up and sit on top of the "Green Monster."  It was really cool!!  Such a neat view of the whole stadium.

 We took our "Team Gary" picture from high atop the green monster.
 Then we got to go up to the press box.  Really neat view of the field as well.
 The weather was really nasty but I loved my cute attire with my rain boots!
 This is the "Ted Williams Seat."  Where he hit the longest home run ever in Fenway.  

 It really was a great experience to get to see the whole stadium!
 We went back and rested at the hotel for a little bit before heading out for the evening.  We had booked a sunset boat cruise on the harbor.  Well the weather was absolutely horrible!!  Cold and rainy.  We went ahead and went.  No sunset at all but it was still fun!
 We got to see lots of the harbor islands and learn some of the history of the harbor.  We event got to see the flag lowering at the USS Constitution right at sunset.  It was really neat with the cannon going off.
 Even though we didn't see a sunset it was neat to see the lights of the city come on.  That part was really beautiful even in the rain.

 After the cruise, we took a stroll through the East End and found a wonderful little Italian restaurant to eat out.  It was absolutely picturesque.
It was another great day!  So much fun to just get to be together and experience all these fun things!

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