Friday, June 21, 2013

Boston - Part 3

Friday morning we woke up late again (best part of the trip)!  It was our anniversary!  It was exciting to know we had the whole day to spend together and just be together.  We enjoyed breakfast at a little cafe on the street.  Such a fun way to start our day!

 Then we started walking down Charles Street which is where our hotel was.  It is in the Beacon Hill neighborhood and known for it's antique shops.  We enjoyed looking in the shops and browsing the antiques.  The shops and streets were so quaint and beautiful.  I enjoyed just taking it all in.
 We made our way over to the Boston Public Garden.
 It is a beautiful park and we enjoyed just wondering around for a couple of hours.  Had to get a picture with the ducks!
 I think this maybe my new favorite picture of us!

 I just love weeping willow trees and they were all over the park.
 Matt was excited to see the statue in honor of Ether.
 These flowers are absolutely awesome!!  They look like something right out of a Dr. Seuss book.  I hope we can grow some here.

 We went on a swan boat ride.  It was so fun!
 We really enjoyed watching the pair of swans with their nest.  It was so cool.
 Then we headed over to the Boston Public Library and saw the marathon statue and finish line.
 It was exciting to see since just a couple of days before I had signed up for a 1/2 marathon.  I think we are crazy for attempting this but seeing the marathon finish line gave me some confidence.
 We saw the memorial that has been created in honor of the marathon bombing.
 Beautiful churches all around!
 We then did some window shopping on Newbury Street.  It was so fun to just stroll with my love!
 We stumbled upon the Cheers bar.
 It was then time to get ready for our big anniversary dinner.  We had researched the best place for a romantic dinner and decided on Top of the Hub.  It is on the 52nd floor of the Prudential building.
The view from our table.  It was stunning!!!
 The dinner was simply amazing!  Food was great and company even better.  and the view couldn't be beat!

 It was fun to watch the sun set and lights come on over the city while we ate.  Perfect way to end the evening.
What a perfect anniversary it was!  So glad we could celebrate 10 years of marriage together in such a special place.

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