Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Matt and I arrived home today from a fabulous anniversary trip to Boston.  I can't wait to share all our pictures and fun!  It really was a great trip and just what we needed.  

Because of the trip and all that has been going on Father's Day got a little forgotten.  I feel bad about it. No cards for any of the dads in our lives.  So sorry about that!!  Poor Matt spent the day travelling and washing clothes.  Not the best Father's Day.  We did get him a tie (although he picked it out and sent me the link to buy it).   We were reunited with our kiddos this afternoon after being away for 5 days.  The hugs we got from them were great gifts!  
First off I want to say Happy Father's Day to this amazing man!  Each and everyday I am awed by the sacrificial love that he shows to our family.  He puts our needs (and wants) above his own.  He leads our family to know God more each and everyday.  I love you Matt and am so thankful for you!!
 I got to spend a couple of hours with my sweet Daddy this afternoon.  He had his first round of chemo on Wednesday and has had a rough few days.  I know it was not easy for him to hang out with us this afternoon due to his pain but it meant so much to me.   That is the kind of dad he is.  I could write on and on about what all he has done for me.  He has been my biggest cheerleader over the past 32 years.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of something he has taught me or shown me.  The faith and courage with which he is facing this latest battle is such an encouragement to me.  I love you Dad!!
And finally my awesome Father in Law Mike (don't you just love this old school picture of Mike and Matt.  I just had to use it)  Mike is one of the kindest men I know.  Even this week he and Sandy stepped up and watched our kiddos for the whole week for us at the last minute.  That is not an easy thing!  He gives the best hugs.  I am also inspired by his passion for God's Word.  Love you Mike!!
Hope this makes up for the lack of cards and Father's Day fanfare.  I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be surround by these great men!

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