Monday, June 17, 2013

Nashville Zoo

I am really behind on posting these pictures.  So much has been going on and I didn't get around to it.  A couple of Saturdays ago we decided at 9:00 am to go to the Nashville zoo.  We were out the door by 9:20 (I love having older kids to where we can do this because we don't have to pack up a bunch of stuff).  We had a wonderful day wondering around the zoo.  The weather was nice and we really enjoyed it all.  Kate's favorite animal was the giraffes and Ben loved the warthogs.  I of course love the flamingos.  Train and carousel rides were enjoyed by the kids.  The thing we love most about the Nashville zoo is the playground!  It is the best playground.  The kids loved every minute of it!  

After a fun day at the zoo, we headed over to a restaurant Matt has been wanting to eat at in Nashville called The Pharmacy.  They had the best burgers in a beer garden setting which is really neat.  We enjoyed eating outside.  
It was such a fun day and another big check off our list!

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