Friday, June 28, 2013

VBS 2013

It has been VBS week this week!!  3 years ago Ben started going to VBS at Paint Rock Baptist Church.  It is a little country church about 15 minutes from our house.  It is where our sweet neighbor's grandparents go to church.  They do the best VBS each year.  The kids have such a good time and look forward to it all year.  As soon as summer started they were asking when VBS at Nena and Papa's church was.  
 The theme this year was Athens.  It was all about Paul and his missionary journeys.  They learned all about God's love for us.  It was so much fun!!  
 Everytime we go to (or mainly through) the town of Paint Rock, I always see the painted rock and want to take a picture.  So tonight on the way we stopped and took a picture at the painted rock.  Too funny!  Only in Alabama would there be a town named Paint Rock.

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