Monday, July 1, 2013

Not A Coincidence

We got in our new Team Gary shirts last week.  The whole family got together on Saturday morning to take a picture.  I just love it!!  If you are interested in a Team Gary t shirt just let me know.  They are $8 and a great reminder to pray for my dad and to spread his story!

I wanted to share a story of God's perfect plan.  6 years ago when we moved to Huntsville, we were in a parenting Bible study with a couple that we didn't know.  We got to know them through the class.  Then 6 months later they moved in 2 doors down from us.  We were very thankful for Godly neighbors. Both of our families grew and they have 5 kids of which 2 are the exact same ages as our kids.  We began doing more and more things together through the years just because the kids were so close in age.  Our families love to hang out in one of yards and just play.  The kids are always running back and forth between our houses.  Paige and I have been very good friends through the years.  About this time last year we started walking 3-4 times per week at 5 in the morning.  We would share what was going on with our lives and spend time praying together.  We started running in the fall which was a new thing for both of us.  We have developed such a sweet friendship through this and I am so thankful for it!

We now know that it is not a coincidence that God place us together.  God had a perfect plan!!  Exactly 2 weeks after we found out about dad's diagnosis Paige's only sibling, her brother, was diagnosed with leukemia.  She is very close to her family like we are so they are devastated as well.  They are walking the same road as we are.  God is perfect in his design of our lives.  He knew that Paige and I would need each other during this time.  It is so wonderful to have a friend that I can talk to that is feeling a lot of the same emotions that I am.  I can text her and ask her to pray and I know she is praying the same things I am.  It just goes to show God's perfect plan that I am so thankful for!

Please be in pray for Paige's brother, Lance Putnam.  He is going through a really tough time right now. His chemo is brutal and he has an infection that is really scary.  You can follow along with his story on his caring bridge page at:
He is in his early 40's and has 2 young children so be praying for their whole family.

Paige and Evan were sweet to take a Team Gary picture for us when they went up to Kentucky to visit her brother this weekend.

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