Monday, July 22, 2013

Date Night & Drive In

We had another fun filled weekend.  It started Friday night with a date night for Matt and I.  It was a wonderful night.  We had dinner at Commerce Kitchen.  It was amazing!!  Southern food with an upscale twist.  We then did some strolling around downtown before heading over to the VBC for a play.  We saw The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.  It is so funny!!  We finished out the night with a moonlit stroll through Big Spring Park (complete with a saxophone player).  It was such a fun night and much needed!  
 While we were enjoying our time away the kiddos were having fun at my parent's house.  They were so excited to get to spend the night there.  My dad has been feeling very good which we are so thankful for.  They enjoyed some princess puppet shows...
 Super fun bubble baths...
 Sleeping sideways in big beds...
 And breakfast at Chic-fil-a...
 I think they had a blast without us.  So glad for the fun time they got to spend with them.

Saturday night we took a little trip to a drive in about an hour away.  We had such a fun time at the drive-in last year in Atlanta so we added it to our list of fun.  The Johnson family joined us for the fun.
 The little kiddos and their stuffed animals.
 The big boys all in green!

 It was such a fun time.  We saw Turbo and Despicable Me 2.  Such a great deal to see 2 movies for really cheap.  We enjoyed popcorn and candy as well.  The weather was great and the company was awesome.  Another fun check off our list of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Where was the drive-in? Our grands are coming and this might be something we want to do. Was this at Henager? Marcie Jones
