Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rainy Day At The Gardens

We had a really fun day today over at the Botanical Gardens!!  We were all excited to meet up with the Cabras to play and enjoy the gardens.  The kids had so much fun in the "Giant Garden Little Me" section of the garden.  

 Love all these sweet kiddos!!  So glad they are such sweet friends.
 And I am so glad we remembered to get a friend picture since I don't have nearly enough of those.  I am so thankful for my sweet friend Ashley.  She has been such an encouragement to me over the years and especially the last few months.  She checks on me daily and is always willing to help in any way she can.  She is such a great listener.  I am so thankful God has placed her in my life for so many years.
 The day was great because it was cloudy and not so hot but right at lunchtime the bottom absolutely fell out.  It poured and stormed for about 30 minutes.  Thankfully we were able to run inside the butterfly house and enjoy an indoor picnic.
And all the rain meant a fun walk back to the car through giant puddles!!

We are so thankful for such special friends and for a fun day with them!

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