Sunday, August 18, 2013

Geo-caching With Grandaddy

So the last few days have been CRAZY busy!!  I forget how this time of year is so insane with school starting back.  So much to do and pack into a short amount of time.  Because of that I am behind on my posting.  Need to get caught up because tomorrow will be all about back to school!!  

The weather the last week has been a bit insane itself.  It has been unusually cold for August and when I say unusually I mean very unusual.  Like highs only around 70.  Like need to wear pants because it is chilly.  Records have been set cold.  It is very strange but we will take it.  With the nice weather we have been able to be outside more and enjoy it.  Although it has limited swimming!  

Thursday morning we picked up my dad to go for a geo-caching adventure.  It was on our list and we didn't know if we would be able to do it.  My dad was feeling great (which has been amazing) and off we went.  We had a wonderful time!!!  We did 5 caches all around our neighborhood and we found them all!  The kids had so much fun and it was great to hang with Grandaddy all morning.  

The very first one we were looking for we were off in a wooded area and my dad and I were looking in one direction and Ben headed in the other.  We heard him start to yell and he had found it.  He was so excited!!  It was such a great morning!!

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