Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Last Weekend of Summer

We managed to pack a lot into our last weekend of summer!!  It was awesome...

Friday night we went to a surprise birthday party for Brad.  Paige wanted to throw a dinosaur party for her dad so LeeAnn planned a great party!  Brad was really surprised.  
 Ben and Hunter loved all the dinos that were table decorations.
 Sweet girls who took a horrible picture!  The kids had so much fun!!
 Kate loved her dino cupcake!
 Saturday we went over to the Cabra's house to work on a secret project.  Will reveal what we did soon but for now you can see some of the steps of the project.  It involved cutting giant styrofoam balls.
 Hanging garbage cans had to be rigged up.
 Old shirts were stuffed with plastic bags.
 We had a great afternoon.  The kiddos had a great time playing and the adults enjoyed creating!!
Today we enjoyed our last day of summer!!  Sad and happy at the same time.  Church was great in the morning.  We still had 2 more items to mark off our list of summer fun.  And impromptu water balloon fight broke out.  
 Then we made some ice cream in a bag.
 It was an interesting process but it actually worked and the kids enjoyed the yummy treat!
 We finished off the day with our special prayer time for the school year.  We started this tradition last year.  Matt and I pray over the kids and their year.  It is a great way to focus on the important parts of the school year.  Everyone is in bed early to get ready for the first day of school!!  Backpacks and lunch boxes are packed.  Ready or not here it comes...

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