Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Packing In The Fun

This is the last week of summer :(  Sad!!  We know we have got to make it count and pack as much as possible into the days!  Because of that we have had a busy few days.  Monday I had to work all day so the kids went to my parent's house for a big project.  They decided to have a lemonade stand to raise money for the Swim for Melissa that Ben is participating in.  Don't they look cute in their yellow.  They wanted to wear yellow for lemonade.  
 They had an amazing lemonade stand!!  They sold lemonade and other treats along with raffle tickets to win an movie gift card.
 In total the lemonade stand made about $275!!!  We were so blessed to have friends drive over the mountain just for a glass of lemonade.  The kids had so much fun and were excited so many of their friends stopped by.
 As if that wasn't enough for the day we met our friends the Dunnes and Wellers for the concert in the park.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate so we ended up at the local ice cream shop instead.  We had a great time visiting while the kids watched a movie.
 Do you think Kate enjoyed her ice cream?  I think she got more on her than in her mouth (and just for the record I was able to get it all out).
 Tuesday it was off for a fun adventure with the Cabras.  We headed over to Pump It Up for some jumping fun.  You can never get a good picture on these slides.

Such sweet kids that had so much fun!  They were all sweaty and worn out!  
 We enjoyed lunch at Jason's Deli and then went off on a treasure hunt.  We are doing a fun project with the Cabras so we needed to get some supplies.  Mikes Merchandise and Hobby Lobby were on the agenda.  Such fun to be had at these stores!  The kids cracked us up with all the crazy things they got into.  There may or may not have been styrofoam bowls on their heads at one point.
 As if that wasn't enough we met my mom at a local farmer's market.  We got some really pretty flowers and homemade ice cream.

 Kate was worn out when we got home.  She feel fast asleep on the steps.  Sweet girl!
 Today has been a much more low key day.  We did enjoy some bubble fun which we needed to mark off our list.

We are down to only 3 more things on the list.  I think we can get them in over the next 4 days!

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