Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bacon Day!!

When we were making our Summer List of Fun Ben requested that we have bacon day.  We asked what bacon day was and he said it was a day where all you do is eat bacon!  We spent all summer planning and finally put it all together on Saturday!  Ben was so excited.  We bought 4 pounds of bacon for the day.  
 First up for breakfast was bacon pancakes.  Super yummy to make pancakes around the bacon (thanks Pinterest for the idea - could not have done bacon day without Pinterest).
 Everyone was so excited!
 We drove all over town looking for this prize - bacon Fred bread!  Can't do bacon day without it.
 Lunch was bacon sandwiches on bacon bread.  Each of ours was different with either apples, cheese, peanut butter or mayo.
 We decided a good snack would be a peanut butter bacon milkshake from Sonic.  It was interesting!
 Dinner was bacon wrapped steak and shrimp, green bean bundles with bacon, bacon cornbread and baked potatoes with bacon bits.  A perfect end to an all bacon day!  It was all amazingly yummy.
 We were all stuffed and baconed out at the end of the day!!
What a fun day it was glad we could have such a fun day together.

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