Monday, August 12, 2013

Birthday Weekend

We know every year that the first/second weekend in August will be birthday weekend (really the whole month is all about birthdays).  My mom and Sandy were born just 3 days apart on August 5th and 8th.  That means we have a lot of celebrating to do!  We started out on Friday night.  I had to work all day Friday so the kiddos were at Matt's parents house.  Matt and I met up and went over there for dinner.  We enjoyed a great steak dinner and fun times with Mema and Opa!
 Saturday was all about bacon (more to come on that) but at night we enjoyed some time with my parents.  So thankful my dad felt good enough t enjoy a yummy dinner.  We enjoyed celebrating my mom!
 My mom requested lemonade pie for her birthday treat.  I saw a cute  idea on Pinterest of doing lemonade pie in little mason jars.  They were super easy and turned out really cute.
 Sunday we enjoyed a morning at church then went on a special family outing to the movies.  We went and saw Planes.  It was a cute movie.  I really do think Kate is the only person that wears sunglasses to watch a movie.

Love August and all the birthday celebrating we get to do!  More to come in the next few weeks.  And stay tuned tomorrow for Bacon Day!!

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