Friday, August 9, 2013

Lessons From Kate

 I know I have mentioned it before but this little girl keeps us on our toes.  She is so different from the other 3 of us in the house.  We first born, rule following, think inside the box folks just do not get her sometimes.  It can be very frustrating.  Instead of allowing her quirks to frustrate me I have been trying to allow them to teach me some lessons (mind you I still get very annoyed at her at times, but I am trying).

Her imagination amazes me!!  I see the world in black and white and as lists.  She sees in every array of color and if I try to give her a list of things to do she looks at me like I am crazy.  The stories that she makes up about things blow me away.  I used to let it bother me that she was so out in left field.  I am now trying to see the imagination as an asset.  She sees things so differently, which is fine.  Our world is a little boring, so we need her imagination and craziness! Creative people are not weird - they are different.  That is something I needed to be reminded of.  Often I have looked at people different from me and thought they were strange.  God makes each of us unique and we need to celebrate those differences.  He knows what each of us needs in our lives so I am trying to celebrate Kate's imagination and creativity and use it to change me.

Kate really does move at her own pace.  Last week when we were at the beach this really hit me.  The Wright family is full of first and only children (and Grace who is still too young) and our family which is all firstborns except Kate.  We were heading down to the beach one day and we were all walking quickly with a mission in mind to get where we were going.  We were all chatting and together.  I look back and Kate is about 20 yards behind us slowly making her way along.  She is stopping and enjoying things. I dropped back and walked with her.  I was getting annoyed that I wasn't with the rest of the group.  This is often where Kate is - hanging back doing her own thing not always a part of the group.  I have worried that she is not social or there was something wrong.  But last week at the beach it hit me - there is nothing wrong.  She is going at her own pace.  She is not bothered by doing her own thing instead of following the group.  She doesn't have to be in the middle of everything.  As long as she is happy and doing what she thinks is best that is all that matters to her.  What a great outlook.  I am always running on a schedule and trying to be in the middle of things.  During our slow walk back from the beach (it was painfully slow to me) I resolved to be more like Kate.  I don't have to be controlled by a schedule or a need to in the middle of things.  As long as I am walking right where God wants me, I am ok.  I don't have to be surrounded by people at all times to be happy.  I can do things on my own and be good.  Such an important lesson.  I hope Kate continues to do things contrary to the crowd and follows exactly where God wants her.

The biggest thing we are struggling with right now is Kate's whining.  Every day is filled with drama and passion.  I haven't figured a lesson out in this yet.  I do know that we must get the whining under control! Kate's whining does help to remind me of how, so often, the attitude in my heart must sound a lot like whining to God. Placing my wants above God's perfect will. Yesterday we were in the car and Ben looked at her (not sure why this was bad) and she said "Ben ruined my day."  Everything is drama filled and bigger than life! I do pray for her daily that she can use her passion as a positive for Christ and that all the days of her life, she will be as passionate for Him as she is right now about spilled cereal (major drama this morning).  I pray that we can channel her passion for good.  She is an amazing little girl and I know she is going to do great things!!

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