Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer Winding Down

Just one week from today we will start orientations for the new school year.  So hard to believe!  We are all excited about the new start but are looking forward to finishing out the summer.  The "Summer List of Fun" is almost full of check marks.  Just a few more things to do!  
 Monday night was 54 cent night at the Stars baseball game.  We decided last minute to go to the game.  Evan came along with us and the kids had fun.

 Tuesday morning we met Andrew, Perry and my parents for breakfast for a "day before chemo breakfast."  Wanted my dad to eat well before he started the next round.  We had not seen Perry in almost a month so it was great to get to see him even if he didn't recognize us.  Love these sweet kiddos!

 The rest of the week was spent back to school shopping.  I have determined that this may be the worst thing ever!!  After 5 stores and online shopping I think we are finally done!!  It is such a pain to have to drive all over looking for a specific item (like fat blue glue which by the way we never found).  I always have grandiose ideas that it will be a fun time for us but it always turns out to be stressful.  Next year I am going to start back to school shopping in May when we get the lists!

Now that we are all set for school to start we can enjoy the last few days of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is the fat glue stick (0.88 oz):

    Elmer's makes a smaller kind (0.28 oz), and they come 2/package:
