Friday, October 11, 2013

Fire Station Field Trip

Yesterday Ben's class got to go on their first field trip for the year.  It was a long one!  Ha!  They walked to the fire station that is actually almost in the parking lot of their school.  Such a far way to go!
 The firemen were great sharing all sorts of good information with them.
 One of them even put on all the gear for them even though it was super hot!

 The kids brought their iPads (yes they have their own iPads at school) to take pictures.  Next week they are going to write stories using the pictures they took on the field trip.
 They all got to climb up in the truck which was totally cool!

 Ben and one of his good buddies!
 The siren was really loud!!
What a fun time they all had!!  Such a great field trip to learn about fire safety.  

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