Monday, October 14, 2013

One of My Favorite Weekends

I know I say it every weekend but we sure did have a great weekend!  So much fun stuff.  I just love my family!!  The fun started Friday night with a trip to the movies to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2.  Not my favorite but the kids loved it of course!!
 Saturday it was up bright and early for one of my favorite things each year - the Hampton Cove community yard sale!!!  I love going to get neighbors junk.  My mom had actually never gone as she has always been out of town or having a yard sale so I was excited she came along with me!  We hit up some great sales and got lots of fun stuff.  It was such a fun time with my mom.  We have always loved going to yard sales together.

While the girls were out "shopping," those we left behind went to Blue Plate Cafe for breakfast.  They got some super yummy breakfast foods!

 I think this may be one of my new favorite pictures!
 We all hurried in from eating and junking to go to Ben's soccer game and then it was off to the Fall Festival at Ben's school.  It was a fun time for the kids with games and such.

 Kate loved the stuffed animal walk!  She was so patient to do it over and over until her number was called.
 She is in love with her new kitty!
 We were all worn out after a busy morning and afternoon so we took naps and hung out around the house Saturday night.  We did play a fun family game.  Love these two!!
Sunday morning I was up early again to run!!  We are hard into our training for the half marathon so we ran 5 miles Sunday morning.  Then it was off to church.  We are really enjoying our new church and getting to meet new people.  What a fun weekend.  Anytime I get to hang out with my favorite people it is awesome!

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