Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ben The Babysitter

Yesterday we had the cutest little baby hang out with us for a couple of hours.  We don't get to see Perry nearly as much as we would like so the kids were so excited to see and play with him.  Ben and Perry have a sweet little relationship.  Perry gets so excited when he sees Ben.  Yesterday he was crying when I got him and Ben walked into the room and Perry started clapping and laughing.  He reached right for Ben.  So sweet!!  They are big buddies.  Ben did such a great job watching him while he was here.  He played with him and watched him so I could get some things done.  They played chase and some other fun games.  
 We went on a walk and Ben pushed him up and down several streets.  Perry just loved it.
Ben is such a great big cousin!!!

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