Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

One of my favorite ways to kick off the holiday season is to pack our Operation Christmas Child boxes.  This has been a tradition for at least 10 years.  Matt and I packed 2 boxes the very first year we were married and living in Knoxville.  I just love being able to start the season by giving.  Monday morning we went with my parents to do a little shopping and then to pack our boxes.  I love taking the kids shopping for items for the box.  They put so much thought into what to put into the boxes.  Ben had rationale behind every item.  It was so sweet.  
 We packed 2 very full and fun boxes!!  I can't wait to see where to go.  We spent time praying over the boxes.

 I was so excited that this year Ben could write his own letter to put into the box.  He did a great job.
I struggle so much with compassion (ask anyone who knows me).  It is on the bottom of my spiritual gifts but I love being able to teach my children compassion.  As I have studied the book of Matthew, I am overwhelmed with the compassion of Jesus.  I want to be more like Him.  Our Operation Christmas Child boxes are just a small way we can be compassionate like Jesus.

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