Monday, November 18, 2013

Birthday Morning

 You know how much I love celebrating birthdays!!  Knowing that means that there are going to be lots of posts about Miss Kate's birthday.  It started early on Saturday morning when she woke up to balloons filling her room and streamers on her door.  They of course were purple.
 We had a yummy special birthday breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of 4's with whipped cream and sprinkles.

 She then got to open a few presents from us and Ben.
 Ben was so excited to give her figurines from some of her favorite shows.  She loved them!
 Then it was off to the garage for her to see her big present.  She had been asking for a Barbie Jeep for months and if you know me that doesn't mean just going out and buying a Jeep.  There is always a good story in it.  More to come on that in the coming days...  She LOVED it!!!  She was so excited to get in and go for a ride.

 Let's just say she is not the best driver.  She needed some driving lessons!!  Her and Ben took several spins around the block to try it out.

It was such a fun way to kick off a day of celebration!!  Next up was a fun friends party involving bears...

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