Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Build A Bear Party

When we were trying to decide about a party for Kate she kept coming back to a Build A Bear Party. It sounded super easy and fun so we went for it!!  I found this super cute invite that worked perfect for the party.   
Everyone was so excited for the party.  Kate invited 5 of her best friends and Ben to the party so it was a perfect little group.  They had a great time picking out animals to make.  

 Each of the kids got 2 hearts.  One heart that they put into their bear and one heart that they put into Kate's bear.  So Kate's bear has 7 sweet hearts in hers!

 Then it was time to stuff away!  It is always so much fun to get to stuff your own bear.
 Love this sweet girl and her bear - Sofia!
They all got to "wash" and "fluff" their bears.  
 They had lots of fun looking at all the accessories and playing with the fun things in the store.

 They then got to play some fun games together including duck, duck, goose.  They loved it!!
 All the sweet friends and their new friends.  So fun!!
 Silly faces!!!
Then it was time to pack up the bears in their fun bear condos!

 They then paraded through the store singing Happy Birthday to Kate!  It was such a fun party.  Build A Bear was a great place to have a party.
We went over to the food court to enjoy some cake and open presents!  The purple bear cake turned out super cute.  Kate loved it.  

 Kate got some really fun things!  All her friends know her favorites.  She gets so excited whenever she opens gifts.  It makes me smile.  Every gift is the best in the world to her.

 Such sweet friends.  We are so thankful for them!

It was such a fun way to spend the afternoon celebrating Kate!

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