Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

We had the best Christmas!!!  Really everything about it was just about perfect.  Can't wait to share all about it over the next few days.  It started out on Tuesday with some fun things on Christmas Eve.  Matt had to work all day which was a bummer but the kids and I made the best of it.  We stayed in our PJs most of the day and watched Christmas movies.  In the afternoon, we did work on a gingerbread house.  My parents came over to help us.  It was a lot of fun!!
 Kate showed off her disco moves.  Her and Grandaddy did some dancing together.

 It was a simple little kit but it turned out cute and we had fun doing it!
 Our Christmas Eve traditions were a little different this year since we are going to a different church.  Our new church had a Christmas Eve service so we all finally got dressed to attend that.  I tried to get a good picture of the kids but that didn't happen.  They were being silly!

 The service was great.  Such a good way to really remember the reason we celebrate.  On the way home we stopped and got some Chinese food from China Cook.  It has quickly become one of our favorite Christmas traditions.
 After dinner, we each opened a little gift.  Ben had shopped for each of us at the Mistletoe Market at school so we opened the gifts he got us.
 Matt got a "World's Best Dad" ornament.
 Kate got some really cool glasses.
 I got this really awesome pillow that Ben had made.  He did such a good job.  I love it!!!
 Then we had our traditional Happy Birthday Jesus party and reading of the Christmas story from Luke.  Ben even helped out with the reading this year.
 Finally we had to set out the cookies and milk for Santa and get some little ones to bed.
 I just love this note that Ben wrote to Santa.
Everyone was off to bed with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads (for some reason Ben and Kate had talked about this all week).  We were all excited to wake up for a super fun Christmas morning!!!!

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