Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Morning 2013

We had the best and most relaxing Christmas morning.  Matt and I were up early just too excited to sleep.  We enjoyed the beautiful tree with so many presents under it.  
 The kids must have been really good this year...

 Kate woke up first around 6:30 and she came stumbling into the living room.  She got wide eyed and said "I can't believe my eyes!"  She was so excited and quickly went to wake up Ben.
 They were so cute inspecting all their gifts.

 Christmas morning means you can ride your scooter in the house.
 Matt and I did things very simple this year but we did get each other some fun things in our stockings.

 The kids enjoyed putting together Legos and playing with babies.  Matt and I just sat back and watched them.  I even took a little nap on the couch.  It was so relaxing and special.  A perfect way to spend the morning.

 We then hit the presents under the tree.

 I was excited to get my running skirt for my big race in February.

 Ben was thrilled to get the top thing on his list...  Disney Infinity!!
 Kate was just a tad excited about her Lego Friends house!!!
Everything about the morning was just perfect!!!  I love spending time with our little family and seeing the excitement on the kids faces.

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