Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy, Happy, Happy

Yesterday was a big day for me!  It was my 33rd birthday.  It was the best birthday ever!  I got to do all of my favorite things.  Mainly I got to just hang out with my sweet family.  There is no better way to spend the day if you ask me.  I also got to spend lots of the day just chilling and watching TV.  I don't get to do that much so it is such a treat to get to do that.  The day started with homemade muffins in bed brought to me by the 2 sweetest kids.  
 They were so excited to bring me my present - a new Auburn tag for my car.
 They made me a homemade strawberry cake which is my absolute favorite!  It was amazing!!  I blew out 3 candles.
 For dinner, we went over to have appetizers at my parent's house (which is just all of my favorite foods).  My dad then took us all for dessert at the Melting Pot.  It was so much fun to take the kids there.  They had a blast!!

 I loved getting to be with all of my family on my special day.  It was perfect.
It really was a great day.  Ben summed it  up great "mom just laid in bed watching TV while getting fat."  Ha!!!  My perfect day!!  Really the best part was all the sweet message I got from friends and family along with the time I got to spend with my family.  Couldn't ask for more.  I read somewhere that 33 is supposed to be the "happiest" age.  I sure am hoping that is true.  I am looking forward to what this next year has is store!

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