Friday, December 20, 2013

Party Day

Today was the annual Christmas party day at both of the kids school.  That means they have a blast and I ran around crazy trying to do it all.  But it is worth it because they both told me it was the most fun day ever!  First up was Kate's little class party.  She got little gift from each of her classmates which she loves.  She has played with them all afternoon and keeps telling me who they are from.  
 They did a cute little program with the Christmas songs they have learned.
 And then they ate.  Well mainly they played instead of eating but still it was fun.
 Then I had to rush over to Ben's school for his party.  I am co room mom so we planned the party.  We did it really simple with 4 stations with a craft, food, activity and a game.  The kids loved it!!

 Ben has the sweetest little class so it was so much fun to get to hang out with them.
We finished up the partying and I came home and crashed.  I was partied out.  So excited that we are done with school and my work for the next 2 weeks!!!  Matt just has to work a couple of more days and then we will be ready for a nice Christmas break!!  It is going to be epic!

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