Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our Reader

We are so proud of our Ben and how well he is doing reading these days.  I had worried some last year and at the beginning of this year that he wasn't reading as well as he should (you know the crazy thing that kids are supposed to be reading before they start kindergarten now).  I had been promised by several of my teacher things that everything was just fine.  Ben would start reading at his own time.  There would just be one day when the light bulb went off and he would read.  I believed them (sort of).  

Well of course they were right!!  About a month ago the light bulb went off.  He started reading like crazy.  He was reading everything he could get his hands on.  He is reading 2-3 books a night and lots more at school.  His reading level has improved drastically.  He is now reading on a second and third grade level.  He is doing awesome.  

It has been so neat to see the world open up to him as he has learned to read.  He reads signs as we drive down the road and menus at restaurants.  It is so cool!!  We are so proud of him and how hard he has worked.  Now it is almost time for Parade of Readers!!

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