Monday, January 13, 2014

Rainy Monday

It sure was yucky and dreary around here today.  Ugh!!  I had to laugh today because there was some joke at Christmas that is always rains in January.  I think that might be true.  Ha!  

Well I am a horrible blogger and picture taker these days.  We are busy and doing a lot but it is just not that exciting.  I will try to do better.  Our weekend was fun.  Friday night we went out to dinner at Ichiban to celebrate Ben's awesome report card.  He showed so much improvement this 9 weeks and we are so proud of him.  Saturday he had a basketball game and a bowling birthday party for a friend.  The Wrights came over for dinner.  It was great to hear about their California trip.  Sunday was just a regular church day but it was really nice outside so I got to go for a run and the kids got to play outside.  Overall, a good weekend.  

Now it is back to the normal grind.  The usual stuff to just keep the Eckleys moving forward!  I did get this cute picture of the kids today - snacking and technology.  Hopefully I will come up with something good to blog about this week.  Otherwise it might just be boring stuff!

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