Monday, March 24, 2014

First Few Days of Spring Break

Spring break is off to an awesome start!  We have mixed fun and some work around the house in the last few days.  It has been great.  Saturday morning we cleaned off the back porch and got the laundry done.  We took a little break to meet up with LeeAnn and Paige at the movies.  The kids were so excited to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman.  
 We took a family bike ride on Saturday night.  Kate is a bike riding master for a 4 year old.
 Sunday we went to church and enjoyed a lazy afternoon.  We had game night with our life group in the evening which is fun.  We are really enjoying getting to know this group.  The kids wanted to sleep in the living room (and that worked great since their sheets were still in the dryer).

 We met up with our friends the Carlisles at the park today for a picnic and some park time.  The kids had a great time.  It was a little chilly but the sun was out so that was nice.

 We ran a ton of errand this afternoon but the kids were troopers.  We enjoyed a little family game time tonight.  Ben and I beat Matt 2 times in a row!
Loving all the family and friend time we are getting to have without school and work.  It is wonderful!  Excited for another great day tomorrow!

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